Tuesday, April 01, 2008


In this list of cookbook titles, the one that spoke to me was the one about the garbanzo/s (is it singular or plural?). Last night I tossed a cup garbanzos (canned, drained), thinly sliced shallots, a crushed garlic clove, some parsley, a twist of lime juice and olive oil. I had a small head of radicchio broiling in the turbo oven for 30 minutes and when it was ready, added some slices from it to the salad. A liberal shaving of parmesan cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. Great on toasted french bread, as a side to any dinner main dish, or for leftovers add to chilled noodles. Holy cow batman! 3 in one! And it took no more than 10 minutes to prepare the base salad.


Katrina said...

Garbanzos are great, haven't yet met a garbanzo dish I didn't like -- hummus, salad, in stews, or sweetened and topped on ice cream. Healthy, too!

ramonc said...

sounds absolutely delish! wish i was there to taste it.

ChichaJo said...

That salad sounds delicious! I am never without a can of garbanzos in the pantry...it is so yummy and versatile!

P said...

Agree! On one visit to a friend's new pad, my friend's partner (and designated host) was in a panic upon learning that I was vegetarian, and he wasn't told! He whipped up a basic guisado (tomatoes, onions, garlic) chickpea dish and it was really good. I have done it myself many times; resolving now to top it with parmesan!

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