Monday, July 30, 2007


Fuzzy M&Ms and 5 second rule
: Since the Clemson study came out a few months back, I've been more conscious about the rule. Once it drops, it goes straight to the trashcan.

Books we have not read
: Payard forgets one category - books you start, put down, and then forget where you've left them, leaving you only able to recall a few chapters at most. As for books I've bought with the intention of reading but never get to, that's practically a bookcase: grapes of wrath, moby dick, les miserables, decameron, most of faulkners books (because I started one and need to be prodded by death to pick another one up again), Ibsen, Dostoevsky, Tom Jones/Thakeray, among others.
Another economist take on things: so that's why my friend asked me to give out the ending of HP; but I don't agree that the choice of where to eat works in all areas.

MM and the joy of food styling: see his latest post via my links. I got to team up with MM on the winning salad photo. Will food blogging be the deathknell of highly styled food that is inedible due to the tricks to make it photographable? Those of us who were at the class yesterday agreed that as bloggers, we have the added bonus of being able to savor the food after we "Kodak" it. Seeing what it takes to style it made me lose my appetite for the night.

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Pike Market Peonies

Pike Market Peonies